Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Cast of Characters: Part 1

Hi. What direction can I point you to?

You are never supposed to ask a yes or no question on the battleground known as the retail sales floor, such as, "Are you gonna buy something today, or what?" because then the customer has the opportunity to say no, and subsequently has the opportunity to actually not buy something. I don't want to ask you, the discerning reader of, a yes or no question either, such as, "Do you want to read any of these ramblings?" because you may say no, and I wouldn't have the chance to trick you into reading any further, which would be a shame, because I'm about to introduce a few of the characters that will make reading this blog intriguing and worthwhile. These characters, who will be developed in techicolor-like detail, will be affectionately referred to as...the Super Friends.

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